Thomas Front
Global Operations Director
8 years of experience in various Martial Arts. 7 years of experience in Business Development specialising in Eastern European markets. 5 years of experience as Close Protection Operative in the United Kingdom. BTEC level 3. Specialist in Timoore-Systems (Certified by Timoore-Systems LLC) including: interNegotiations – which is the newest conception of replacing ceremonial negotiations games with instant forms of building positive relations and so called Maps of Expectations; Negotiations – classic and alternative models; FDP – which is the quickest and the most effective scheme of rapid interlocutor’s diagnosis (psychological x-ray); Nonverbal communication and body language.
E-mail: office@gscentre.eu

Slavomir SLAV Maslowski
Head Instructor
Practicing, teaching and competing in various martial arts since very young age. Works in security industry whole his life being involved in all of its sectors from events planing and door work thru abroad missions to touring and executive protection of politicians and many celebrities.
After moving to London he focused on passing his knowledge under SIA regulations and delivering relity based self-defence systems (kapap/kravmaga) worldwide.

Jaroslav Krolak
Business Development Manager
Ex-military contractor; 22 years of experience in Business Development - leading a teams of other business development professionals all over the world. Experienced in Tactical Pistol techniques; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Hostile Environment Awareness.
E-mail: j.krolak@gscentre.eu

Mariusz Walenciej
Close Protection Team Leader
Former BOR Officer (Governmental Security Bearau) , Shooting and Protection Instructor with twenty years of experience. Experienced as a sniper as well as team leader at the Diplomatic Protection Team with Ministry of Interior and Administration. Trained and worked with the best special and protective units in the world (Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense, Servicio de Informática, Федеральная Служба Охраны, Säkerhetspolisen, United States Secret Service, Inter-Service Intelligence, and similar in other countries), First AID instructor, Experienced in the protection of diplomatic missions (76 embassies in Poland and 12 in the world). Trained in many high-risk countries - among others: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, former Yugoslavia. During his service he was taking part in completing close protection tasks for : William J. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, Donald J. Trump, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Angela Merkel, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, The Principality of Andorra, Royal Families of Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
E-mail: m.walenciej@gscentre.eu

Itay Gil
Senior Instructor / Partner
Itay Gil is an IDF Captain and served in Israel’s special forces paratroops brigade. After completing his compulsory service, he was chosen to join Israel’s elite counter-terror and hostage rescue commando unit, “Yamam”, where he became an operative later instructor and currently consultant. In the Yamam, Itay Gil participated in as many as three missions each day over the course of ten years. Itay Gil has adapted his 33-years of hand to hand and Krav Maga actual combat study to meet the needs of the real-life situations he faced in his fourteen years of active duty combat experience. Consequently, Mr. Gil became the chief close-quarter combat instructor for the unit. From 1992-1997 Mr. Gil was the executive director of all training programs for the Israel Border Police as well as the undercover police intelligence unit. During this period, he directed training programs for 5000 policemen and security personnel each year. Mr. Gil continues to serve in the IDF reserves where he is Captain and senior combat instructor and strategic mission planner for an elite undercover counter-terrorism team. Mr. Gil was responsible for the training for the security of the Israeli President for 10 years and have trained the security of the Ukrainian President on several occasions, as well as HRT, FBI, SWAT, Spetsnaz Alpha Group among others.

Robert Brooks
Blade Combatives Instructor
Close-quarter weapons instructor since 2003, turned professional in 2013, with 22 years of intensive martial arts experience focusing predominantly on long blades. Trained in various systems of unarmed, one and two-handed stick, knife and sword combat. A native of North East England, Rob has taught nationally and internationally, including Bologna, Italy; Valetta, Malta; Antwerp, Belgium; Bremen, Germany; Utrecht, Netherlands; Vigo, Spain; Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa. Rob's teaching employs a highly-methodical, reality-based approach with a heavy emphasis on biomechanical science, situational awareness and developing the combative mindset.

Jacek Witak
SERE/Tactical Pistol/Tactical Carbine Instructor
18 years of military experience in one of Polish Armoured Military Units. Military degree: Warrant Officer. Instructor of anti-chemical defence, chemical threat recognition and chemical threat disposal. 6 years of experience as the anti-chemical defence squad commander working on threat recognition and analysis. Experienced instructor of the reconnaissance and insurgent actions. Instructor of hand to hand combat, close quarter combat, operations tactics of mechanized infantry, green tactics, black tactics, SERE and Tactical Shooting.
e-mail: j.witak@gscentre.eu

Evgeny Osintsev
High Risk Protection Instructor / Regional Manager
Expedite military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine 1997-1999.Positions: squad leader, commander of the launcher. Military rank: Staff Sgt. The contract military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2004-2005, the 25th Parachute Brigade. Military rank: Staff Sgt.
From September 2004 to April 2005 was in the Republic of Iraq in the 7th Mechanized Brigade, which was a Polish multinational division of the coalition forces, Al Kut base "Delta". He also served as squad leader - a commander of combat vehicle airborne troops.
Service in the Internal Affairs of Ukraine 2006-2011. Position: Operative OCD (Office for Combating Organized Crime) in the Dnepropetrovsk region of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Special title: senior lieutenant of militia.
June 2015 completed Close Protection Operative training course and has successfully completed Tactical Combat Casualty Care course.
The last 4 years working to ensure safety of individuals in the Ukraine.
E-mail: e.osintsev@gscentre.eu

George Husar
Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor
Originally from Romania, Gheorghe served 11 years as a sergeant in the Romanian Army. After leaving the Army in 2000, for 6 years he worked within the Private Security Industry carrying out similar duties and Close Protection.
Gheorghe had been trained by the highest ranked Krav Maga experts from Israel and Europe prior to successfully completing the instructor course in 2007 under Eyal Yanilov.
In 2009, during an intensive period under the guidance of Global Instructors: Eyal Yanilov, Amnon Darsa and Iftac, Gheorghe attended and successfully completed a Law Enforcement Instructors Course in Poland. He is also a qualified Shooting instructor, Physical Training Instructor, Combat (Self Defence) Instructor, and respected martial arts champion – having participated in multiple full-contact and non-contact military martial arts competitions.
Prior to moving to the UK and beginning Krav Maga, Gheorghe studied: Boxing, Fencing, and Wrestling (with one of Romania’s Champion Wrestlers) from a very young age. Gheorghe spent over 17 years studying traditional martial arts reaching 1st Dan Black Belt in Shotokan, Red Belt in Taekwondo under the World Taekwondo Federation (the military version), and Brown belt in Kyokushinkai under the Romanian Martial Arts Federation (FRAM).